A common problem for new drivers is they have been chauffeured around by their parents for the last ten years, so they spent all the car time staring into their phones, I-pads, or game machines. Young people used to ride bicycles everywhere and learned their streets, but that is uncommon in Las Vegas. Some have literally never noticed a street sign, and have no idea where they live.

Giving clear, concise directions to your own home is a vital adult skill, like sending texts, or writing checks. You may think you can rely on your trusty GPS or phone to lead you around, but those devices, while useful, still have limitations. Your GPS will happily take you to:

  1. A street closed for construction or maintenance.
  2. A gate requiring an access code.
  3. The freeway at 8 AM, which is now a parking lot.
  4. A street that no longer exists

Devices may also run down, or the street is too new to be included. Perhaps you cannot get satellite reception. Sorry, but you must know your streets, & directions, think for yourself, and make the final decision.



The signs are designed to tell you the street names, what direction you are headed, and the block numbers. If the example sign is on your right, you are entering the 5600 block of North Durango.  If it is above or facing you, you must be on an East or West cross street. Check your car’s compass just to be sure. If you wanted 4650 North Durango…you have gone too far.

Green & white signs mean you are in Las Vegas; blue & white signs mean you are in North Las Vegas. They are distinct cities yet run together. Brown signs mean you are on private property, not maintained by a city.

Author Dennis Jantz

Senior Instructor

Instructor and Office Administrator

Frankie works and karaoke's in Las Vegas but his out-of-doors-heart is still out East. Born in Boston, Frankie loves the snow and mountains. As an avid snowboarder, Frankie has never seen a snow day he didn't LOVE! A graduate from…Read More