Lane Markings

Lane Markings

Solid white lines are used to mark:

  • Right edge of the road
  • Shoulders
  • Bicycle lanes
  • Stop lines
  • Crosswalks

It is against the law to cross a solid white line when entering or exiting the highway.

Dotted white lines are used to mark:

  • Separate lanes of travel in the same direction
  • Double dotted white lines indicate a turn only lane

Solid yellow lines are used to mark:

  • Separate lanes of travel in opposite directions
  • It is against the law to cross a solid yellow line to pass another vehicle

Center turn lanes are used for:

  • Making a left turn from one street onto another street
  • You may not travel more than 200 feet in a center turn lane before making a left turn
  • You may not travel more than 50 feet after turning into the center turn lane before    merging into traffic.

Lane usage:


  • Right lane is used for any slower traffic and making right turns
  • Left lane is used for traffic moving at the speed limit or as a passing lane
  • Center lane is the safest because it gives you multiple escape routes


  • Right lane is used for slower moving traffic and vehicles that want to exit the highway
  • Left lane is used for faster moving traffic or as a passing lane
  • Center lane is the safest because it gives you multiple escape routes
  • HOV lane can be used when the vehicle has 2 or more people in it
  • Express lane is used when a vehicle will not be exiting the highway at certain exits.

Author: Rich Heinrich

Master Instructor, Emeritus

Instructor and Office Administrator

Frankie works and karaoke's in Las Vegas but his out-of-doors-heart is still out East. Born in Boston, Frankie loves the snow and mountains. As an avid snowboarder, Frankie has never seen a snow day he didn't LOVE! A graduate from…Read More