How to Drive a Vehicle II


The hardest thing for new drivers to master is controlling their speed. Optimally, the driver will be 2-3 mph under the posted speed limit. Once you have reached your desired speed in accordance with the posted speed limit follow these tips to stay at your current speed:

  • Ease your foot off the gas pedal
  • Apply slight pressure to the pedal to where you feel a slight pull in the back of your right leg.


Every time you stop your vehicle, three things must happen

  • Perception distance- how far you travel in the time it takes your eyes to send a signal to your brain.
  • Reaction distance- how far you travel in the time it takes your brain to send a signal to your foot to get off the gas and move to the brake.
  • Braking distance- how far you travel after you hit the brake, until the vehicle stops.
  • Adding up these distances will equal what we call your total stopping distance.

To avoid hard stops, keep the heal of your foot on the ground between the gas and the brake and pivot.

When stopped in traffic behind other vehicles, always stop back where you can see their back tires touching the ground.

Lane changes:

When changing lanes, always

  • Signal 100 feet in advance
  • Check your rear view mirror to make sure the vehicle behind you is not going to try and pass you
  • Check you outside mirror
  • Check your blind spot
  • Look up front and move your vehicle into its new lane
  • It’s against the law to change lanes 100 feet before or after an intersection

A driver starting from a parked position must yield the right-of-way to all moving traffic and enter the traffic flow only when it is safe to do so.


  • All turns should be made lane to lane
  • You can make a right turn on red, if you come to a complete stop and there is not a sign saying no turn on red
  • You can make a left turn on red, if you are turning from a 1-way street onto another 1-way street
  • When you are making a left turn on a green light, or a flashing yellow arrow you must yield the right of way to oncoming traffic and pedestrian

Author: Rich Heinrich
Master Instructor, Emeritus

Instructor and Office Administrator

Frankie works and karaoke's in Las Vegas but his out-of-doors-heart is still out East. Born in Boston, Frankie loves the snow and mountains. As an avid snowboarder, Frankie has never seen a snow day he didn't LOVE! A graduate from…Read More