Nevada Sobering Statistics Part ll

The following statistics are from the years 2011-2015. Statistics were compiled by Nevada Department of Transportation.

Intersection Safety Problems:

309 people died and 2,377 people were seriously injured in intersection related crashes on Nevada roadways.

  • Male drivers aged 26 to 35 years old are involved in most intersection related fatalities and serious injuries.
  • 75 % of fatalities and serious injuries occurred in Clark County.

Pedestrian Safety Problems:

336 Pedestrians dies and 688 were seriously injured on Nevada roadways.

  • Middle aged male pedestrians are killed or seriously injured more than any other demographic.
  • 50 % of pedestrian fatalities and injuries occur mid block. 29% of fatalities and serious injuries occurred in marked crosswalks.

Motorcycle Safety Problems:

238 Motorcyclists died and 968 were seriously injured on Nevada roadways.

  • Male drivers 26 to 45 years old are most likely to be involved in motorcycle fatalities and serious injuries.
  • 63 % of fatalities and serious injuries occurred during daylight hours

At Northwest Driving School we teach our students the most up to date defensive driving techniques so that they won’t become part of Nevada’s Sobering Statistics.

Rich Heinrich

Master Instructor, Emeritus

Instructor and Office Administrator

Frankie works and karaoke's in Las Vegas but his out-of-doors-heart is still out East. Born in Boston, Frankie loves the snow and mountains. As an avid snowboarder, Frankie has never seen a snow day he didn't LOVE! A graduate from…Read More